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Digital Leaders

This page is to celebrate the achievements of our Digital Leaders!

SCPS | Digital Leaders

We think that as a school we should be aware of the technology that is around us. More so now than ever, since we have been spending so much of our time learning from home. The Digital Leaders make sure that children know how to use it correctly.

We use Chromebooks, iPads and interactive whiteboards to make learning more efficient, and we have become very familiar with using Google Classrooms, so we can safely continue our learning at home. We have temporary meetings so we get to discuss matters and turn our thoughts into action. We train ourselves on a variety of ICT programmes and provide our expertise and knowledge to the rest of the school.


We have made a list of the top 10 websites and apps to use:


Top 10 apps: Top 10 websites :
Tric a Chlic

10 minutes a day times tables
Explain Everything
Kids Doodle


Our app of the month is Sumdog!


Top tips to staying safe online

1)      Don’t post any personal information online – like your address, email address or mobile number.

2)      Keep your privacy settings as high as possible

3)      Never give out your passwords

4)      Don’t befriend people you don’t know

5)      Don’t meet up with people you’ve met online. Speak to your parent or carer about people suggesting you do.

6)      Remember that not everyone online is who they say they are

7)      Think carefully about what you say before you post something online

8)      Respect other people’s views, even if you don’t agree with someone else’s views doesn’t mean you need to be rude

9)      If you see something online that makes you feel uncomfortable, unsafe or worried: leave the website, turn off your computer if you want to and tell a trusted adult immediately. 


 Keep looking at our page for more updates about

what is happening with ICT in school!