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Dosbarth Maple


"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think" A A Milne

Class Teacher: Mr. Downey

Learning Support Assistant: Mrs Bowsher

Croeso i Dosbarth Maple, where we have an exciting, fun-filled year ahead of us. This page is updated regularly.

Core Christian Value of the Term

                                                      What Is A Trust?

                                                             Trust takes years to build,

                                                                  Seconds to break,

                                                                 And forever to repair.

Rights of the Term


Article 28: In our school we embody this right by ensuring that the children have the best education possible and realise how important it is to always try your best. Cerys and Albie, Dosbarth Oak

Article 31: In our school we embody this right by providing the children with a range of daily exercise routines, including Yoga, Just Dance and the Daily Mile and also a comfortable Hive area where children can read books, relax and enjoy each other's company.  Amelia, Dosbarth Maple